The Morning Habit That Protects Your Brain

When it comes to health tips I personally read to live life to the youngest. You don't have to spend more money to get healhty and fit, hence the internet has so much in it you could track your enemy's whereabouts (hehehe). Anyways, there's this article from that caught my eye I coud not help it but read. According to the artcle, researchers found that caffeine in coffee and tea could cut the risk of glioma by up to 34 percent. How's that for a healthy brain huh! By the way, the article says "glioma is an aggressive, hard-to-treat, and dangerous type of brain tumor."

Researchers also think that caffeine in coffee and tea delays the growth of glioma tumor cells. The thing about caffeine is its antioxidant compound that stimulates the activity of protein that can repair cancer-causing damage to brain-cell DNA.

So what are you waiting for? Brew that java thing and it can make your RealAge 0.3 years younger.

WARNING!!! Too much of something is bad! So easy in your java intakes.


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 3:39 AM




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