Web Surfing Helps the Brain

An interesting article from RealAge.com

If you're one of those internet/web surfing addicts (i bet you are, co'z reading this), here's some good news for you.

You're actually doing your brain a favor. Yes, you heard me right! Research shows that decision-making and reasoning centers in the brain light up like fireworks when computer-savvy people do Web searches.

I know web surfing (or loafing, hehehe) seems like a pleasant way to kill time, but in a study of older adults, it just did much more. Brain scans of the computer-adept group showed more activity during Internet searches, compared with the brain scans of people who weren't so handy with a browser.

More Tips on RealAge.com....

Information Is Brainpower
Researchers say that searching the Web most likely stimulates the brain by forcing you to evaluate search results and make decisions about what links to click. Those less familiar with the Web may not show the same type of brain activity, simply because they are less sure of what to do. So it pays to tinker around online -- at least enough to know a search engine from a message board. Here are a few other simple ways you can stimulate and strengthen your mind:

Upgrade your memory.Doing this type of exercise helps.
Fine-tune your focus. Drinking some of this could help increase your attention span.
Refresh as needed. Try this 6-minute solution for better brainpower.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 6:18 AM




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